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Oracle of the Dow

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Saved by CK
on August 12, 2017 at 8:27:59 am

Dow-mancy. Using the Dow, or day to day numbers of the stock market in general, as a barometer of whether something is good or bad, right or wrong. Look out for "The Dow went up, so X must be good" or "The Dow took a hit, so X must be a bad idea." Can be considered one of the economic bottlenecks.


Why one shouldn't necessarily use the Dow as a measure of future fortunes

"Quick Iraq War"

* "Stocks soared Monday on bets that a war with Iraq is imminent and will end quickly", from back in 2003 (1)


(1) - http://money.cnn.com/2003/03/17/markets/markets_newyork/


Special Categories: Hyper-Materialism (Elites, Sniffers, Structures)

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